Health systems in India and Africa face common challenges such as a rising burden of non-communicable diseases, rapid urbanisation, and a high burden of diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. In addition, there are systemic challenges such as a shortage of healthcare workers; limited availability of equipment, drugs and supplies; weak monitoring and evaluation systems; limited financing mechanisms and lack of continuity
of care.

In an effort aimed at seeking solutions through engagement and collaboration between the health system in India & Africa, the Africa Healthcare Federation & Nat Health India organised a successful webinar on the 12th of December 2020.

Some of the potential areas for India-Africa collaboration in the health sector include sustainable medical value travel, training and capacity building, medical infrastructure development, manufacturing, research and development, and deployment of new-age digital technologies.

The challenges are huge and so is the potential to collaborate and innovate. The time is ripe for India and Africa to leverage the collaborative power of healthcare innovations for the development of mutually cohesive and sustainable strategies and partnerships aimed at addressing health system gaps. This will enable the two regions to effectively work towards the achievement of common health system goals.


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