West Africa Healthcare Federation (FOASPS)

The West African Federation of Alliances of the Private Sector of Health or the Fédération Ouest Africaine du Secteur Privé de la Santé (FOASPS) is led by Dr. Ardo Ba from the Private Health Sector of Senegal, and Ms. Clare Omatseye from the Nigeria Healthcare Federation. The FOASPS is comprised of the Nigeria Healthcare Federation, Senegal Healthcare Federation, Ghana Healthcare Federation, Benin Healthcare Federation, Cote d’Ivoire Healthcare Federation.
The FOASPS has its first annual meeting this year in Contonou, Benin on July 17th and 18th, 2019. Since its inception, the West Africa Healthcare Federation (FOASPS) has united the private health sector in the region, this year’s conference will provide a platform for sharing of knowledge and best practices.